we empower the local people with in the eco-communities at these destinations in various economic empowerment progammes so as to increase production by engaging in skills, capacity building in various fields of our activities and these includes
community support programme

we support small groups of producers around the area that make our products with support like tools, ,skills enhancement, marketing, financial, family support so as aquire qualty tools and skills to use in production and making quality marketable products and quality community and cultural experiences with competent service delivery with the local communities
Capacity building and skills training

we conduct capacity building for locals so as enhance their skills for quality effective service delivery such as local cousin production, design and color with use of locally sourced materials marketable improved products and staff capacity
Environmental and wildlife conservation awareness

we empower the community members on environmental and wildlife conservation measures and resourceful usage of natural resources around them for sustainable development and household poverty reduction and in these while ensuring proper health conservation of surrounding environment
organic farming and tree planting

we provide fruits tree planting seedlings as form of household poverty reduction and environmental conservation means as well as we are we are establishing an orchard that will help communities in sourcing knowledge of how to grow vegetables that are consumed by the hotels and also the demonstration garden supplies vegetables and the and other crops